Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Words_What the What?

I found out as recently as a few days ago that this entire time I've known Robbe, his name "Robbe" is meant to be pronounced: Rob-ee. I've been spelling it with a 'y' this entire time to reference "Robbey." Seven years, people. Just finding that out now. Maybe it's an obvious assumption; maybe it's not.
And who could forget how I mispronounced his last name for a good year or so when I first started dating him. But I feel that may pale in comparison to this misstep. So to sum up, we're engaged and I'm planning on taking on an entirely new name that I just learned how to pronounce. I'm beginning to think I'm actually a mail-order bride.


Diane. said...

I just thought you liked to spell it that way ; )

Peyton Roberts said...

Yay! You are back! Thank goodness... I needed something snarky and entertaining to break up all the mommy blogs...

PS... update pls... did you find a wedding dress?

Kimi said...

:) Thanks Peyton! I did find one online... just nervous to make the final decision as I can't get my $$ back!